... smoothest1
A smooth curve here is one with no rapid changes or oscillations, so the smoothest is the one with the least change in slope over its length.
... linear2
Write a linear segment as $y_i = mx_i + c$, so summing several linear segments, at the point $(x_i, y_i)$ gives $y_i = \Sigma_{j=1}^n ({\mbox{\boldmath $m$}}_j
x_i + {\mbox{\boldmath $c$}}_j)...
...igma_{j=1}^n {\mbox{\boldmath $m$}}_j + \Sigma_{j=1}^n {\mbox{\boldmath $c$}}_j$ which is obviously a linear segment.
... averaged3
A shifted histogram being one with the same data and bin width but with a different starting point on the x axis.
... function4
A probability density function is a function f defined on an interval (a, b) and having the following properties.

  1. $f(x) \ge 0$ for every $x$
  2. $\int_a^b f(x) dx = 1$
... estimator5
For nearest neighbour the density is taken to be inversely proportional to the distance between the data item and the next nearest, by some measure, data item.
... sphere6
The volume of the dimensional sphere is given by

see McDonald (2003) for derivation and evaluations of . This gives values for as follows
